Learn SpanisH Lesson and the Past Participle

Learn SpanisH Lesson and the Past Participle


Learn SpanisH Lesson and the Past Participle


In this Spanish illustration we will get familiar with the Past Participle and its various purposes. Albeit this example is really briefer than past illustrations, the Previous Participle is vital if you need to figure out how to communicate in Spanish. Its development is very basic. As in English, the Previous Participle in Spanish is a focal component in many subjects of conversation.

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The Previous Participle

In this Spanish illustration we will get familiar with the Past Participle and its various purposes. Albeit this example is really briefer than past illustrations, the Previous Participle is vital to figure out how to communicate in Spanish. Its arrangement is very basic. As in English, the Previous Participle in Spanish is a focal component in many subjects of conversation.

As a general rule, the Previous Participle is best perceived as having 4 unmistakable purposes that incorporate over a significant time span activities, and descriptive words. Albeit this reach in utilization appears to be expansive, seeing every specific use can be learned and applied rather effectively with training.

The Previous Participle is somewhat easy to shape. For - ar action words, an - ado is added to the action word's stem.

For instance:

The stem of the action word hablar (to talk) is habl. In view of this, an - ado is added to habl to shape the Previous Participle for hablar: hablado.

The arrangement of the Past Participle for - er and - ir action words equal this example. Be that as it may, an - ido is added to the er or ir action word's stem.

For instance:

On account of the action word beber (to drink), its stem is beb. An - ido is then added to beb to shape its Previous Participle: bebido.

Likewise, to shape the Previous Participle for salir (to go out) an - ido is added to its stem, sal. Its Previous Participle is: salido.

In view of the Past Participle's fundamental organization, what follows are instances of it for both ordinary and unpredictable action words:

Instances of the Normal Past Participle:

Infinitive Past Participle

estar (to be) estado

bailar (to move) bailado

cenar (to eat dinner) cenado

almorzar (to have lunch) almorzado

desayunar (to have breakfast) desayunado

limpiar (to clean) limpiado

dar (to give) dado

llorar (to cry) llorado

lloviznar (to sprinkle) lloviznado

tener (to have) tenido

creer (to accept) creido

sneer (to peruse) leido

querer (to need, to adore) querido

partir (to leave) partido

ir (to go) ido

vivir (to live) vivido

dormir (to rest) dormido

Instances of the Sporadic Past Participle:

Infinitive Past Participle

poner (to put) puesto

ver (to see) visto

volver (to return) vuelto

resolver (to determine) resuelto

escribir (to compose) escrito

abrir (to open) abierto

hacer (to make) hecho

satisfacer (to fulfill) satisfecho

morir (to kick the bucket) muerto

decir (to say) dicho

cubrir (to cover) cubierto

The 4 fundamental purposes of the Past Participle are as per the following:

1. The Previous Participle is much of the time utilized in compound tenses with the helper action word haber (to have). We have seen this utilization in the Example on the Current Amazing Tense. In the Current Ideal Tense the previous participle of the sentence's principal action word is added to haber to communicate a previous activity that has not totally passed.

How about we momentarily audit this utilization:

Juana ha estado en su cuarto task el día.

(Juana has been in her room day in and day out)

He querido ir a California.

(I have needed to go to California.)

Mario ha vivido en Bogotá.

(Mario has lived in Bogotá.)

2. The Previous Participle is utilized for the uninvolved voice and as a rule keeps the action words ser or estar (to be). At the point when the Previous Participle mirrors the inactive voice, it should concur with the subject's orientation and number.

For instance:

El papá de Diego está herido.

(Diego's dad is harmed.)

La hermana de Rogelio está cansada.

(Rogelio's sister is worn out.)

3. Now and again, the action words llevar and tener are utilized rather than the action word haber in compound tenses (as in the Current Amazing Tense). At the point when this happens, the Previous Participle should concur with the trait's orientation and number. Albeit this utilization might appear to be abnormal, consider it shaping an elective articulation for endless past activities.

For instance:

Tengo hecha la comida.

(I have made the food.)

Juan lleva pagada la cuenta.

(Juan has paid the check.)

4. The Previous Participle can likewise be utilized as a descriptive word. Remember that for this utilization, the Previous Participle goes about as a descriptor and should concur in orientation and number with the thing.

For instance:

Un vestido hecho a mano

(A dress made manually)

Un hombre educado

(An informed man)

Un bebé mimado

(A ruined child)

Presently we should attempt a couple of activities. Make an interpretation of the accompanying into Spanish. The responses follow the activity.

1. An opened entryway

2. A tidied up room

3. We have spoken.

4. Juan has cooked.

5. A cooked chicken

6. Roberta's sibling is worn out.

7. Juana's mom is instructed.

8. Marcos has made the pastry.

9. She has opened the entryway.

10. Have you seen Milagros?

1. Una puerta abierta

2. Un cuarto limpiado

3. Hemos hablado.

4. Juan ha cocinado.

5. Un pollo cocinado

6. El hermano de Roberta está cansado.

7. La madre de Juana es educada.

8. Marcos tiene hecho el postre.

9. Ella ha abierto la puerta.

10. ¿Has visto a Milagros?



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Actress Book: Learn SpanisH Lesson and the Past Participle
Learn SpanisH Lesson and the Past Participle
Learn SpanisH Lesson and the Past Participle
Actress Book
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