Computer Viruses that Come a Callin’
Every day, new computer viruses are created that annoy us and annoy us on our computers. Below are the 10 viruses currently identified as the most widespread in terms of severity or potential for harm. New viruses are created every day. This is not an exhaustive list. The best thing to do is to be vigilant, keep your anti-virus software up to date, and protect against computer threats now.
Virus: Trojan.Lodear
The Trojan tries to download remote files. It will insert .dll files into the EXPLORER.EXE process causing system crashes.
Virus: W32.Beagle.CO@mm
A mass mailing worm that degrades security settings. It can delete small security-related registry keys and block access to security-related websites.
Virus: Backdoor.Zagaban
A Trojan horse that allows the computer to be hacked becomes a hidden agent and can disrupt network operations. Virus: W32/Netsky-P
A spam email that spreads by sending itself to an email address from a file on a local disk.
Virus: W32/Mytob-GH
A spam and IRC backdoor trojan for the Windows platform. This message will contain a topic that is automatically selected from a list including topics such as: Account Restriction Notice, Mail Account Suspension, Security Policy, Member Support, Important Notice.
Virus: W32/Mytob-EX
The mail worm and IRC backdoor Trojan are in nature as W32-Mytob-GH. W32/Mytob-EX runs continuously in the background, providing a backend server that allows a remote attacker to access and control the computer through an IRC channel. This virus spreads by sending itself in an attached attachment to your email address. Viruses: W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-C and Mytob-ER
These different families of worms have similar characteristics in what they can do. These are community mailing worms with backend functionality that can be controlled via a Relay Chat (IRC) network. In addition, they can spread through email and operating system vulnerabilities such as LSASS (MS04-011).
Virus: Zafi-D
A peer-to-peer email worm that registers itself in the Windows system directory has the file name Norton Update.exe. It can create multiple files in Windows system folder with 8 character file name and DLL extension. W32/Zafi-D lists itself in a folder with a name that contains shares, downloads or music such as ICQ 2005a new!.exe or winamp 5.7 new!.exe. W32/Zafi-D will also display a fake error message box with the title "CRC: 04F6Bh" and the text "Error in compressed file!".
Virus: W32/Netsky-D
The mail worm has an IRC backend function that can also infect computers that are vulnerable to the LSASS exploit (MS04-011). Virus: W32/Zafi-B
A peer-to-peer (P2P) and email worm that lists itself in the Windows system folder as an anonymous EXE file. This worm will test for the presence of an Internet connection by trying to connect to or The bilingual worm has a linked Hungarian political message box that translates to "We want the government to accept the homeless, strengthen the penal code and VOTES FOR THE DEATH PENALTY to reduce crime and - grow up." June. 2004, Pécs (SNAF Otu)"