Are celebrities happy


Are celebrities happy

Are celebrities happy?

Before we ask whether artists are happy, let's first examine what happiness is? When I feel good for an hour a day and I feel terrible the rest of the day, am I happy? What if I was happy eight hours a day and the terrible rest of sixteen hours? Am I a happy person? For most of us, happiness is a state that is not permanent. We were not happy all day. At least most of us don't. Read more ...

Before we ask whether artists are happy, let's first examine what happiness is? When I feel good for an hour a day and I feel terrible the rest of the day, am I happy? What if I was happy eight hours a day and the terrible rest of sixteen hours? Am I a happy person? For most of us, happiness is a state that is not permanent. We were not happy all day. At least most of us don't. What is happiness? Happiness means a feeling of deep satisfaction. Happy look. Attitude of positive thoughts. A person who has these qualities is happy at all times of the day. What about celebrities? They have a name, fame and fortune. Not only can they buy what they want, but they can also buy a loved one. They can buy anything. Her name is often spread in the media. Any reports about them are expected by the general population. Famous people may not have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths, but today's spoon is mostly golden. So they should be happy!

But unfortunately, luck is far from most of them. Speaking of satisfaction, most of them are not only dissatisfied, but disappointed. Sometimes he is jealous. And they do not have a deep sense of peace. Instead, their lives and minds are full of unrest most of the time. Sometimes they are not happy with their own lives, so they want distance. They can't do that, so the substances they take from their own reality are always what they use.

Happiness is related to money, but to some extent. Happiness has nothing to do with fame if you are not satisfied with yourself. Whatever the world says, if one does not have confidence, one cannot be happy. We all sailed on the same ship. Most of us live unhappily most of the time. We gain joy that gives us a satisfying feeling of life. Let us strive for happiness in our own inner world.

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