Vadakkunnathan Temple

Vadakkunnathan Temple

Vadakkunnathan Temple

Vadakkumnathan Temple is an antiquated Hindu sanctuary devoted to Shiva at city of Thrissur, of Kerala state in India. This sanctuary is a traditional illustration of the structural style of Kerala and has one great pinnacle on every one of the four sides notwithstanding a kuttambalam. Painting works of art portraying different scenes from the Mahabharata should be visible inside the temple.The holy places and the Kuttambalam show vignettes cut in wood. The sanctuary, alongside the painting works of art, has been announced as a Public Landmark by India under the AMASR Act. As per well known nearby legend, this is the principal sanctuary worked by Parasurama, the 6th avatara of Vishnu. Thekkinkadu Maidan, enclosing the Vadakkumnathan Sanctuary, is the fundamental scene of the eminent Thrissur Pooram celebration.

In the year 2012 the Archeological Overview of India (ASI) has suggested 14 destinations, including Vadakkumnathan Sanctuary and castles, from Kerala to remember for the rundown of UNESCO World Legacy Locales. The sanctuary is additionally the first among the 108 Shiva Sanctuaries in antiquated Kerala, laid out by Parasurama.

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